Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Jonesy's iPod: Paul McCartney 7/2/07

This is the inaugural edition of a feature on RUHtF i'm lovingly calling "Jonesy's iPod". Now that the Southern California airwaves are desolate once again with the shutting down on Indie 103.1 (the terrestrial version), I have decided it's time to start posting bits and pieces I have recorded. I have what I consider to be the largest collection of Jonesy's Jukebox shows. I'm going through them...a tdious task, but i'm cataloging all the special guests he's had, and will be posting some select shows, interviews, covers, and whistles that I find.

This will be a constant work in progress.

Here's the first..the great interview he did with Paul McCartney. There's a minor technical glitch in the middle, but they pick up on the other end of the track they play.


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