Here is a series of edited clips which combine to be the whole documentary included on the Music Without Fear DVD. I can be seen interspersed throughout the documentary. When I got there, I was about halfway through the line. I didn't have any laminate because I had purchased mine in Orange County. This was at the Sunset Strip Tower Records. An employee initially confronted me for not having a laminate, but then not only got one for me but brought me to the front of the line. I was first in to see them. I had my service dog, Hawk, with me. When they brought me in, all of the band got off the platform, except Ian. He was apparently "too cool" to come down and see me. The other guys were really cool. Matt, the drummer, was really into Hawk. He had a dog at home who could not go on tour with them. Unfortunately, Hawk did not visibly get in the shot, however you can see Matt petting him.
There was a "secret show" at the Whiskey that night. You needed to get the special laminate though. I asked the band where I could get one, and they directed me to an assistant who got one for me. The show was really cool... but they went on way late. I had my friend watching Hawk while I went to the show, and so I had to get going. I saw about three songs. Then, I proceeded to get lost finding my friend (he was only a couple blocks away).
All in all, a great experience.
I am seen in Part 1 at 3:15, 3:57, and 5:48
and Part 2 at 2:18
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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